



You can use the teacher and student selectors above to see how much a subscription would cost based on various teacher and student limits. Once you are happy with your choice, click on the "Subscribe" button to fill in your details, finalize your numbers, and then proceed to the checkout.
Please try to ensure that your subscription will match your needs -- i.e. teacher and student numbers -- for the whole subscription term. While it is possible to increase the number of teachers and / or students during the subscription term, this can only be done by contacting us and requesting an increase, requiring us to send you a Stripe invoice (payable by credit card). Please note that if you do do this, as stated in our terms & conditions, the minimum charge will be £20 GBP.
* Increments are currently charged at £10 GBP per additional teacher and £10 GBP per 100 additional students.
Please note that once you have subscribed to TextActivities, the subscription fee is non-refundable. This statement also appears clearly in our terms and conditions, to which you must agree before making a purchase.